back icon Back Arrivia Whitepapers 02/14/2024

The Ultimate Guide to Providing Customer Loyalty

The era in which customer loyalty programs surpass the importance of brand experiences isn’t just arriving—it’s already here. A shocking seven out of 10 Americans consider loyalty programs the leading factor in securing their brand loyalty, prioritizing a business’s loyalty program more than its social media presence, mobile app and website, and likelihood for recommendations combined.

According to annual survey results on loyalty program preferences, 2023 revealed a rise in consumer demand for specialized treatment and improved customer service in return for brand loyalty. Brands that provide more premium or white-glove services through targeted offers and benefits can earn heightened customer engagement, better satisfaction, and increased spending.

As brands seek to innovate and adapt loyalty strategies to accommodate customers’ evolving needs, diverse demands have emerged in the financial, travel, and membership sectors.

Download our whitepaper to discover how to craft unrivaled loyalty journeys for your members.

How to be the Hero for Your Customers.