The latest from arrivia


Read up on what’s new at arrivia. Get insights on ways to grow your business or expand your membership or customer loyalty program, using travel rewards.

A woman with a camera taking photographs of the city view.
Insights 01/09/2024
Effective Travel Agency Technology Solutions for 2024
Total travel spending in the United States can reach upwards of $104 billion in just one month, with the average family of four spending nearly $2,000 on a domestic vacation per week. In an industry as lucrative as travel, remaining current with the latest travel agency technology is crucial for traditional and online travel agencies...
Smiling woman on the computer using a travel booking software platform.
Insights 12/26/2023
Travel Booking Software Platforms: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Needs
Navigating an array of travel booking software platforms can be daunting. Not only does each promise the pinnacle of convenience...
a woman on her phone using business travel solutions
Insights 12/11/2023
Business Travel Solutions: Simplifying Corporate Travel Management
Domestic and international business travel in the United States amounts to nearly $387 billion in annual revenue. Though business travelers...
A man and a woman on vacation holding a map.
Insights 12/07/2023
B2B Travel Solutions: Enhancing Efficiency and Profitability in the Travel Industry
1.3 million. That’s the average amount of business trips taken daily, not accounting for the 460 million business travelers that...
Group of tourists in Rome, Italy, looking at a monument.
Insights 11/30/2023
Customer Loyalty Analytics: How to Collect & Interpret Loyalty Program Data
In the competitive arena of customer retention, customer loyalty analytics emerges as a pivotal force, enabling businesses to decipher complex...
Man speaking with a woman using effective Strategies for Managing Customer Complaints.
Insights 11/16/2023
The Art of Exceeding Expectations: Effective Strategies for Managing Customer Complaints
In today’s ultra-competitive, consumer-centric business environment, effective customer complaint management isn’t just about resolving issues—it’s about exceeding expectations. An outstanding...
Multi-ethnic cybersecurity team looking at multiple screens
Insights 11/01/2023
Facing Emerging Cybersecurity Risks in the Era of AI
In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and traditional security measures is a critical...
Insights 10/30/2023
Data Breach Response and Incident Management: Safeguarding Digital Assets
Data breaches are not just an omnipresent threat but a harsh reality for today’s organizations. As the country with the highest data breach density in the world, the United States reported nearly 2,000 cases of data compromise in 2022, a stark increase from the 447 cases reported a decade prior. Yet, while the threat remains...
A woman using a laptop to shop with credit card rewards programs.
Insights 09/29/2023
Optimizing Credit Card Rewards Programs: Strategies for Increased Customer Engagement
Few verticals are as competitive as credit card reward programs, which currently boast a member satisfaction rating of just 46%. Over the past year, almost half the population has opened at least one new credit card, and nearly a third of consumers report they plan to apply for new cards in the coming months. Aside...
A man making-contactless-payment-in-cafe
Insights 09/27/2023
Out of Touch: The Future of Contactless Payments – Advancements and Benefits
When cash usage plummeted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many predicted a cash rebound in 2022. Surprisingly, that rebound never materialized. Instead, the vast majority of traditional cash transactions that migrated to contactless payments remained electronic. In an increasingly digital era, cash payments are quickly becoming a thing of the past.  The smartphone...
Savings and Miles with New Cruise Program
News 09/25/2023
Flying Blue and arrivia Set Sail on a Voyage of Savings and Miles with New Cruise Program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Soar and Sail: Flying Blue and arrivia Set Sail on a Voyage of Savings and Miles with New...
Man using a laptop computer to book travel on a white label travel portal.
Insights 09/21/2023
Understanding the Cost of White Label Travel Portals: Factors to Consider
If you are planning to enter the highly competitive travel industry, you will need a comprehensive and engaging website solution for your customers. The travel industry is continuously evolving, and it can be cumbersome to keep up with different aspects of travel services without support. A white label travel portal is a website or platform...
A woman sitting on a cruise deck booked through loyalty travel customer service.
Insights 09/19/2023
Delivering Exceptional Customer Service in Loyalty Travel Programs: Key Strategies for Success
The function of a loyalty travel program is to elevate the customer experience; however, recent statistics reveal less than one-third of loyalty members agree travel programs deliver on that promise. At the heart of member dissatisfaction is loyalty to travel customer service—or, really, the lack of it. Just one poor customer service experience motivates customers...
A woman holding onto a rail while hiking up a mountain booked from a travel membership program.
Insights 09/14/2023
Driving Customer Loyalty through Exclusive Travel Club Memberships
Today’s travelers are savvy and have access to countless options at their fingertips. With all of the choices and convenience available to travel, it is no longer enough for a business to simply provide a good quality product or service. Customers crave authenticity and want to see themselves reflected in the products and brands they...
A man holding onto a backpack on a trip leveraging employee performance incentives.
Insights 09/12/2023
Enhancing Employee Performance Incentive Programs: Leveraging Travel Benefits
Did you know that 90% of the world’s highest-performing companies leverage employee performance incentives to retain and motivate team members—or that nearly the same percentage of employees prefer incentives over a bigger paycheck? Offering incentives, particularly travel incentives, help boost employee morale and create a more energetic, engaged company culture.  You might be wondering what...
A woman taking a picture while on vacation booked using her customer retention benefits.
Insights 09/08/2023
From One-Time Shoppers to Lifelong Members: Unveiling the Customer Retention Benefits of a Travel Loyalty Program
Brand satisfaction and loyalty are key drivers of customer retention. However, there are major differences between satisfied customers and loyal ones—the primary being that loyal customers can drive a repeat business rate that’s 15 times higher than that of non-loyal customers. Not to mention, it’s up to seven times cheaper to retain loyal customers than...