The latest from arrivia

Loyalty Program News & Insights

Read up on what’s new at arrivia. Get insights on ways to grow your business or expand your membership or customer loyalty program, using travel rewards.

A new report from arrivia which explores how consumer attitudes toward travel have evolved since 2021, alongside travel brand and loyalty program goals amid continued increases in travel
News 02/15/2024
2024 Travel Loyalty Outlook Report Uncovers Changing Consumer Sentiment
The new report from arrivia explores how consumer attitudes toward travel have evolved since 2021, alongside travel brand and loyalty...
Front cover and sample pages of arrivia's 2024 Travel Loyalty Outlook Report about how loyalty brands with travel rewards can succeed in the current climate
Reports & Surveys 02/15/2024
Arrivia’s 2024 Travel Loyalty Outlook Report
What do consumers want from their travel loyalty reward programs, and are loyalty providers delivering? We first sought to answer...
How to be the Hero for Your Customers.
Arrivia Whitepapers 02/14/2024
The Ultimate Guide to Providing Customer Loyalty
The era in which customer loyalty programs surpass the importance of brand experiences isn’t just arriving—it’s already here. A shocking...
The Advisor meets with the customer to discuss documents.
Insights 02/13/2024
AI-Powered Loyalty Programs: Revolutionizing Customer Engagement
Loyalty programs have served as reliable customer engagement strategies for generations — literally. What began as meager copper tokens redeemable...
Arrivia at GNEX 2024: Leading Travel Industry Innovations
Events 02/13/2024
Arrivia at GNEX 2024: Leading Travel Industry Innovations
Welcome to the World of ‘Yes!’ – where innovation seamlessly meets every business challenge with agility and creative solutions. At...
Insights 02/09/2024
Determining Loyalty Program ROI
There’s a reason 90% of organizations offer some type of loyalty program, and it’s not because these brands enjoy brainstorming...
Family traveling in Greece
Insights 02/06/2024
Membership Engagement Ideas for 2024
“How can I improve my membership engagement?” That’s a question we often hear at arrivia, particularly at a time when...
Happy traveler looking ahead into 2024
Insights 02/01/2024
Loyalty Program Trends 2024: What’s Shaping the Industry
Loyalty programs are undoubtedly one of the longest-running customer retention initiatives, and reasonably so — they’re not only incredibly effective...
happy-loyalty-program-members-enjoying-their-travel-benefits-from-their loyalty-program
Insights 01/29/2024
How to Implement Effective Customer Retention Loyalty Programs
How do you build loyalty and retention, not just for now but for the long term? After all, if it...
Team of three employees discussing travel api solutions.
Insights 01/18/2024
The Ultimate Guide to Travel API Solutions
Travel businesses are well-versed in exotic destinations, luxury accommodations, and global once-in-a-lifetime experiences. But technology? That’s not every provider’s strong...
Business Couple Walking to the Airport.
Insights 01/11/2024
B2B Loyalty Programs: A Complete Guide [With Real-Life Examples]
B2B advertising has soared in the United States, skyrocketing from $28.9 billion in 2021 to $37.7 billion in 2024, with...
Woman sitting in the sand paying for drink with credit card on wireless handheld terminal after reading arrivia’s 2024 Travel Loyalty Outlook Snapshot report
News 01/09/2024
Sneak Peek into the Changing Landscape of Travel Rewards Programs
In today’s booming travel market, where travelers increasingly seek value from loyalty programs, travel brands are realigning their focus and...
A woman with a camera taking photographs of the city view.
Insights 01/09/2024
Effective Travel Agency Technology Solutions for 2024
Total travel spending in the United States can reach upwards of $104 billion in just one month, with the average family of four spending nearly $2,000 on a domestic vacation per week. In an industry as lucrative as travel, remaining current with the latest travel agency technology is crucial for traditional and online travel agencies...
Rental car employee handing over a pair of keys.
Insights 01/04/2024
Car Rental Reservation Systems: Everything You Need to Know
There are nearly 2 million rental cars in service in the United States. The rental car industry is projected to...
A group of travelers standing outside laughing.
Insights 01/02/2024
How To Name Your Rewards Program: 5 Tips and Examples
Crafting the perfect name for your rewards program is more than just a creative challenge; it’s a strategic decision in...
global business international travel concept
Insights 12/29/2023
Understanding the Global Distribution System (GDS) in Travel
Few industries move as quickly—nor in as high of quantities—as travel. More than 45,000 flights take off daily, nearly 3...